Friday, January 29, 2010

Take Web 2.0 anywhere now...thanks iPad...

I thought with the Apple iPad (garbage name) being all over the net, it seems like a good thing to talk about. Our class is primarily about Web 2.0 and I think the iPad can take things to the next level, being as Web 2.0 is all about interactivity and really immersing yourself in the virtual world of pipes and streams off light (and I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the data is carried to and fro by idiot savant dwarves who are so scarred and deformed that they prefer to work in the internet's pipes as opposed to on the surface with the normals. I think I read this on a blog though so I can only believe about 95% of that), the iPad could possibly take that tactile usability of the virtual world a step further (with the proper 3rd party support of course).

I'd first like to take a semi-aside and talk about what got me thinking about how the iPad could potentially bring that level of immersiveness that might actually get one excited. Think about this funky but sweet DJ and music controller called the Jazzmutant Lemur which retails for about $2000 USD+. You can totally use multitouch control to manipulate music and DJ/Production software.

Now let's look at this app on the iPod touch by a music software company called Novation (I thouroughly enjoy all their stuff). It's called the Automap for the iPhone/iPod Touch (. It's basically $3 app that lets you control DJ software and production software with your fingers, and I have to say it works perfectly:

Now imagine if Novation updates and adds more functionality to have it work better on the iPad that has a significantly bigger screen at a price WAY cheaper than the Lemur. It will actually be insane. It will add a layer of usability at a price point that can't be touched. Sure it's not the same as the Lemur, but you get a lot of other different functions with an iPad and the price is just right (approx $500 - $600).

Now let's translate this over to everything else: Amazon/Kindle, Facebook, pokersites, video sites, gameing, and who knows what else. If companies provide apps that work and make things people use even easier, there's going to be a lot of tech literally at our finger tips. This can be a huge positive, but also a huge negative. Think of the people "taking notes" in class, but are actually hyper stalking at a few flicks of their fingers on Facebook. Either way it will be exciting to see how it pans out. I know a lot of people are ripping on the iPad, and I would normally think they weren't talking 100% out of their ass, but there's this thing called the iPhone and this other thing called the App Store, so yah...wait and see...

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